Expectation Maximization (EM)
Table of Contents
Expectation Maximization (EM) is an algorithm for obtaining the probability of some hidden random variable given some observations .
It is a two-step algorithm, which are repeated in order until convergence:
Expectation-step: Choose some probability distribution ,
1which gives us a (tight) lower-bound for for the curren estimate of
Maximization-step: optimize the
Or rather, following the notation of Wikipedia:
Expectation step (E step): Calculate (or obtain an expression for) the expected value of the (complete) log likelihood function, with respect to the conditional distribution of given under the current estimate of the parameters :
3Maximization step (M step): Find the parameter that maximizes this quantity:
- is the observation
- is the rv. related to the
- is a set of parameters for our model, which we want to estimate
- is the log-likelihood of the data given the estimated parameters
- means the expectation over the rv. using the probability distribution
- Have some model for
- Observe only
Objective is then to maximize:
5i.e. maximize the log-likelihood over the parameters by marginalizing over the rvs. .
The idea behind the EM algorithm is to at each step construct a lower-bound for the log-likelihood using our estimate for from the previous step. In this sense, the EM algorithm is a type of inference known as variational inference.
The reason for doing this is that we can often find a closed-form optimal value for , which is not likely to be the case if we simply tried to take the derivative of set to zero and try to solve.
Finding the optimal parameters for the M-step is just to take the derivative of the M-step, set to zero and solve. It turns out that this is more often easier than directly doing the same for .
Viewing it in the form coordinate descent
If we let
then we know from Jensen's inequality that , and so increasing at each step also monotonically increases the log-likelihood . It can be shown that this is then equivalent to using coordinate descent on .
If we take our objective defined above, we and simply multiply by , we get:
Where we choose to be s.t. and , i.e. is a probability distribution.
We then observe that the last sum (within the ) is actually the following expectation:
Now using Jensen's inquality for a concave (because is concave) function , which tells us :
Thus, we have constructed a lower-bound on the log-likelihood:
Why? This would imply that the expectation above would also be constant. And since is true for any constant , the inequality would be tight, i.e. be an equality, as wanted!
It's also equivalent of saying that we want to be proportional to . Combining this with the fact that we want to be a probability distribution, so we need to satisfy the proportionality and . Then it turns out (makes sense, since we need it to sum to 1 and be prop to ) that we want:
Which gives us the E-step of the EM-algorithm:
Giving us a (tight) lower-bound for for the current estimate of .
The M-step is then to optimize that lower-bound wrt. :
Appendix A: Jensen's inquality
- is a convex function.
- is a rv.
Then .
Further, if ( is strictly convex), then "with probability 1".
If we instead have:
- is a concave function
Then . This is the one we need for the derivation of EM-algorithm.
To get a visual intuition, here is a image from Wikipedia: