Tor's musings
Hullo to you fellow human.
You have arrived at my website; I hope this was your intention.
Here you'll find a variety of both interesting and uninteresting stuff.
Below are some pointers. Explore with contained excitement.
Research & other stuff I've done
A list of my publications, open-source projects, teachings and talks, etc.
My personal wiki. Notes are taken using
, and published withorg-publish
- Allow me to access my notes from anywhere.
- Web format allows me to heavily customize my "wiki-experience" (e.g. the notation sidebar you'll see).
- Might be useful others.
- Some of the notes here will probably make me look straight up stupid. I'm hoping this might lead to people thinking "Oh, look at this idiot! If he can understand maths/physics/etc., so can I!", and not just humiliating myself.
In the future, parts of these notes will be turned into more coherent blog posts.
Disclaimer: I do not guarantee information found here to be accurate, nor do I guarantee it to be useful :) It spans from my 2nd year in university to today, hence you'll find them to be, eeh, of varying quality.
Notes from papers
Notes taken from specific papers.