Strategic planning & classification
Table of Contents
If a solution to a game is Pareto-optimal, then a beneficial change for one agent is detrimental to another, i.e. we've reached a solution for which any change results in "inequality".
Pareto-optimality is different from Nash equilibrium (NE) because in a NE it's not profitable for any of the agents to change their strategy, but in Pareto-optimiality it can be beneficial for agents to change their strategy but it results in an "inbalance".
Pareto-optimalty is therefore often used in the context where you want everyone to do equally well, e.g. economics.
- Machine learning often relies on the assumption that unseen test instances of a classification problem follow the same distribution as observed data
- This can often break down when used to make decisions about the welfare of strategic individuals
- Knowing information about the classifier, such individuals may manipulate their attributes in order to obtain a better classification outcome
- Often referred to as gaming
- Result: performance of classifier may deteriorate sharply
- In financial policy-making this problem is widely known as Goodhart's law: "When a measure becomes a target, it ceases to be a good measure."
- Knowing information about the classifier, such individuals may manipulate their attributes in order to obtain a better classification outcome
- Strategic classification is an attempt to address this:
- Classification is considered as a sequential game between a player named
and a player namedContestant
designs a classifierContestant
may change input based onJury
's classifier- However,
incurs a cost for these changes, according to some cost function Jury
's goal:- Achieve high classification accuracy wrt.
's original input and some underlying target classification function, assuming
plays best response
- Achieve high classification accuracy wrt.
's goal:- Achieve a favorable classification (i.e. 1 rather than -1) while taking into account the cost of achieving it
- Classification is considered as a sequential game between a player named
- Traffic predictions affect the traffic
Possible ideas
[ ]
milli18_social_cost_strat_class suggests that there's a trade-off between the non-strategic equilibrium and the Stackelberg equilibrium- E.g. institution might only gain a very small increase in its utility while incurring a large social burden
- Could imagine constructing a utility function for the institution ("social planner") which makes explicit this trade-off
- Might be similar to rambachan2020economic
- Adding temporal dependence
- Current approaches does not have any notion of temporal dependence encoded
- Gaming vs. incentivized improvement could be combined by adding "short-term" cost function for gaming purpose and "long-term" cost for incentivized improvement
- Requires analysis similar-looking to bandits I would imagine?
- Could also try to design a classifier which "motivates" the agent to proritize the long-term rewards by incremental change
[ ]
Generalize results from dong17_strat_class_from_reveal_prefer to work on convex problems with unbounded domain- Maybe possible to exploits some results from nesterov2017random, e.g.
- Proof of Theorem 2
- Maybe possible to exploits some results from nesterov2017random, e.g.
[ ]
General notes
- There are mainly two approaches to strategic adaptation:
- "Individuals try to game our classifier; can be construct a classifier which acts robustly even under gamification?"
- "Can we design classifiers that incentivize individuals to improve a desired quality?"
- Sequence of works
- Agents are represented by feature vectors which can be manipulated at a cost
- Problem: design optimal learning algo. in the presence of costly strategic manipulations of feature vector
- Gaming view hardt15_strat_class
- Manipulations do not change the underlying feature vector, only transforms the feature represented to the classifier → disadvantages the classifier
- Initial work: hardt15_strat_class
- Considers the problem as a two-player game, with one player being a binary classifier
- Extensions:
- Assume different groups of agents have different costs, and study disparate impact on their outcomes dong17_strat_class_from_reveal_prefer
- Learner does not know the distribution of agents features or costs but must learn them through revealed preference hu18_dispar_effec_strat_manip,milli18_social_cost_strat_class
- Improvement view
Notes for different papers
- hardt15_strat_class
- Follows approach (1)
- Formulates the problem of strategic classification as a sequential two-player game between a
and aContestant
's payoff:Contestant
's payoff:- where
is true classifier
's classifierdenotes the cost for the
is the
's "gaming-mechanism", in the sense that it tries to mapto some positive example, i.e.
, while balancing off the cost
- When using empirical examples from
rather than full distribution
, obtains result for separable cost functions, i.e.
for functions
With prob
, their algorithm (Algorithm 1)
produces a classifier
so that
denoting the true optimally robust
- Generalize to arbitrary cost functions
- Is done by generalizing from separable cost functions to minimas for a set of separable cost functions
- Then show that all cost functions can be represented this way
- Drawback: bound scales with the size of the set of separable cost functions used, and thus quickly become not-so-useful
- They show that the problem is NP-hard for the case of general cost functions
- roth15_watch_learn
- miller19_strat_class_is_causal_model_disguis
- Any procedure for designing classifiers that incentivize improvement must inevitably solve a non-trivial causal inference problem
- Draw the following distinctions:
- Gaming: interventions that change the classification
, but do not change the true label
- Incentiziving improvement: inducing agents to intervene on causal features that can change the label
rather than non-causal features
- Gaming: interventions that change the classification
- haghtalab2020maximizing
- Thoughts:
- Not super-excited about this one. The most significant part of this paper focuses on obtaining “robust” linear threshold mechanisms under a lot of different assumptions, e.g. knowledge of the true classifier. A bit too specific IMO. Though I like the idea of finding approximately optimal mechanisms, where the “approximate” part comes from comparison to the gain in utility.
- Model is similar to hardt15_strat_class
- Instead of only considering a binary classifier, generalizes slightly allowing an arbitrary "scoring mechanism"
, e.g.
representing the probability of the input
being accepted
representing a binary-classification
representing the payoff an individual receives (larger being better)
- Similarily to the "robust classifier" of hardt15_strat_class, they want to find some optimal scoring mechanism
- E.g.
indicate overall health of an individual and
the set of governmental policies on how to set insurance premium based on observalbe features of individuals
- Then
corresponds to the policy that leads to the healthiest society on average
- Then
- E.g.
- Relating to hardt15_strat_class,
is the true classifier (denoted
) and
is the
's classifier (denoted)
- Instead of only considering a binary classifier, generalizes slightly allowing an arbitrary "scoring mechanism"
- Consider only a subset of input-features to be visible, i.e. the mechanism
only sees some projection
of the true input
- This kind of emulates a causal structure, similar to what described in miller19_strat_class_is_causal_model_disguis
- Here they also add on a "smoothing" noise of the form
, which is basically an instance of the exogenous variables
in miller19_strat_class_is_causal_model_disguis
- Here they also add on a "smoothing" noise of the form
- This kind of emulates a causal structure, similar to what described in miller19_strat_class_is_causal_model_disguis
- Here they limit to the (known) true function
being linear, i.e.
- For mechanisms
they consider
- Linear mechanisms
, i.e.
of length
for some
- Linear threshold (halfspace) mehanisms
, i.e.
- Linear mechanisms
- For mechanisms
- Thoughts:
- dong17_strat_class_from_reveal_prefer
- Questions:
Why can we not have(
in paper) be the
A: We can! We can have any norm, but we need
for some
, i.e. any norm raised to some power!
- Need response
to be bounded, and only have restriction on
to have bounded norm
, not the response
in paper)
Why do we needto be bounded?
- Thm. 4: sufficient condition for set of sub-gradients to be non-empty
- Comment in paper: "boundedness of
is not directly used in the proof of Thm 2, but it excludes the unrealistic situation in which th estrategic agent's best response can be arbitrarily far from the origin"
Why is this "unrealistic"? This still needs to be weighted with the increase we see in- Claim 5 tells us that you end up with individual / agent always choosing either to not act at all or move to inifinity in the case of
, i.e. if we use
- Claim 5 tells us that you end up with individual / agent always choosing either to not act at all or move to inifinity in the case of
- Problem:
- Considers decisions through time (in contrast to hardt15_strat_class)
- Cost function
is unknown to the learner
- Restricts the learner to linear classifiers
Agent's utility is then defined
- Similar to others:
- hardt15_strat_class: uses
instead of
and restricts the form of
to be a separable
- haghtalab2020maximizing: uses mechanism
instead of
- Though also restricts the mechanism to be, say, linear, in which case it becomes equivalent to the above
- hardt15_strat_class: uses
- Similar to others:
- Under sufficient conditions on the cost functions
and agent cost
Strategic agent's best response set is
- Satisfied by examples:
Hinge loss:
Logistic loss:
- Focuses on obtaining conditions for when the cost function
for the learner is convex
- Allows guarantees for neat cases, e.g. combination of strategic and non-strategic agents ("mixture feedback") by using convexity results from flaxman04_onlin_convex_optim_bandit_settin
- Drawbacks:
- No high-probability guarantees, but instead we just get bounds on the expectation of the Stackelberg regret
- Questions:
- perdomo20_perfor_predic
- Describes conditions sufficient for repeated risk minimization (RRM) to converge
- RRM refers to the notion of training a classifier, letting it "run" for a bit, then retraining it as we get new data, etc.
- This paper describes the conditions under which such a strategy converges
RRM is described by
- Describes conditions sufficient for repeated risk minimization (RRM) to converge
- milli18_social_cost_strat_class
- Like the presentation in this
- Similar presentation as hardt15_strat_class but in a (possibly) slightly more general way
- E.g. their analysis include the case of separable cost functions (but wrt. the likelihood rather than the input as in hardt15_strat_class)
- Similar presentation as hardt15_strat_class but in a (possibly) slightly more general way
- Brings up the point that strategic classification, as presented in hardt15_strat_class, induces what they refer to as social burden
- This is basically the expected cost of positive individuals when choosing the strategic version
of the classifier
- Also considers how this impacts different groups of individuals in two different cases:
- Different groups have different cost-functions
- Different groups have different feature-distributions
- Result: strategic classification worsens the social gap
, i.e. the difference between the social burden in the two groups, compared to non-strategic classification
- This is basically the expected cost of positive individuals when choosing the strategic version
- Like the presentation in this
- hu18_dispar_effec_strat_manip
- Results:
- Stackelberg equilibrium leads to only false negatives on disadvantaged population and false positives on advantaged population
- Also consider effects of interventions in which a learner / institution subsidizes members of the disadvantaged group, lowering their costs in order to improve classification performance.
- Mentioned in milli18_social_cost_strat_class: "In concurrent work, [?] also study negative externalities of strategic classification. In their model, they show that the Stackelberg equilibrium leads to only false negative errors on a disadvantaged population and false positives on the advantaged population. Furthermore, they show that providing a cost sbusidy for disadvantaged individuals can lead to worse outcomes for everyone."
- Opinion:
- Their "paradoxical" result that subsidies can lead to strictly worse overall "benefit" for different groups of individuals is, imo, not that paradoxical.
- It's a matter of whether or not you're overdoing the subsidies.
- Using a multiplicative "decrease" of the cost function for the worse-off-group (denoted
), they show that if you optimize the factor of subsidies then you can overshoot and cause a strictly worse overall result.
- Seems very intuitive to me…
- Don't really like the overall presentation :/
- Also make very strong assumptions to obtain their results, e.g. linearity of, basically, everything.
- Also unclear whether or not their assumptions on the cost-functions in the multidimensional case are even valid
- What happens when
? E.g.
- What happens when
- Their "paradoxical" result that subsidies can lead to strictly worse overall "benefit" for different groups of individuals is, imo, not that paradoxical.
- Results:
- liu19_dispar_equil_algor_decis_makin
- Causal
- Problem definition:
- Individual's rational response:
- Individual intervenes on the true label
, setting
if they decide to qualify themselves (at some cost
- Individual receives if and only if
, i.e. the individual receives reward iff institution decides it is a qualified individual.
Whether or not an individual decides to do
is decided rationally by weighting the execpted utility
which boils down to doing
Each group's qualification rate is therefore:
- Individual intervenes on the true label
- Insitution's rational response:
Expected utility of the institution is
denotes the maximizer of the above
- Individual's rational response:
- frazier2014incentivizing
- zinkevich2003online
- This is basically the pre-cursor for:
- dong17_strat_class_from_reveal_prefer where it deals with the non-strategic individuals
- flaxman04_onlin_convex_optim_bandit_settin where they basically do the same analysis, but now accounting for the fact that they are estimating the gradients using a smoothed version
- This is basically the pre-cursor for:
denotes the symmetric difference between two sets
, i.e. all elements which are in their union but not in their intersection:
- Full-information game refers to the game where both the
and theContestant
has knowledge about the underlying distributionand the true classifier
at every point
- Strategic classification game refers to when the true classifier
is unknown and the
do not know the underlying distributionbut can query labeled examples
The strategic maximum is the optimal Jury's classifier
in the full-information game:
is defined (as above)
(notice it depends on
). Under the assumptions that
and that
, we can equivalently consider
Classifier based on a separable cost function
for some
Define the following
For classifier
, we define
which can also be expressed as
Full-information game
The players are Jury
and Contestant
. Let
be a fixed population
a probability distribution over
be a fixed cost function
be the target classifier
Then a full information (2-player) game is defined as follows:
publishes a classifier- cost function
- true classifier
- distribution
- cost function
produces a function. The following information available to the
:- cost function
's classifier- true classifier
- distribution
- cost function
The payoffs are:
quantifies how much it costs for the
to change the input to theJury
is the change in the input made by the
- Full information game is an example of a Stackelberg competition
- A Stackelberg competition is a game where the first player (
) has the ability to commit to her strategy (a classifier) before the second player (
) responds. - Wish to find a Stackelberg equilibrium, that is, a highest-payoff strategy for
, assuming best response ofContestant
- Equivalently, a perfect equilibrium in the corresponding strategic-form game
- A Stackelberg competition is a game where the first player (
knows the true classifier AND the Jury
's classifier , while the
does not know the Contestant
's function .
knows the true classifier AND the Jury
's classifier , while the
assumes Contestant
chooses the optimal .
- Best outcome for
is of course to findsuch that
for all
- Best outcome for
is to finds.t.
is always classified as a "positive" example i.e.
(assuming no cost)
In general, we'll simply have
which will then of course maximize the payoff for the
. This motivates the definition of the strategic maximum.
The strategic maximum in a full-information game is defined as
\mathrm{OPT}_h(\mathcal{D}, c) = \max_{f: X \to \left\{ -1, 1 \right\}} \mathbb{P}_{x \sim \mathcal{D}} \big[ h(x) = f \big( \Delta(x) \big) \big]
where is defined (as above)

(notice it depends on )
Suppose , i.e. zero-cost for
to not move. Then we have the following characterization
- if
, then
- We assuming that if one of the maximas defining
then we pick
, rather than one of the other maximas
- We assuming that if one of the maximas defining
, then we let
- Here we're just trying to find the "nearest" (in cost) point
such that it will be classified as a positive example
- It is clear that if
, then
and checking values on either side of this boundary it's clear
- Here we're just trying to find the "nearest" (in cost) point
Statistical classification game
- Now neither the
nor theContestant
has knowledge ofand
, but instead the
can request samples(hence "statistical" in the name)
The players are Jury
and Contestant
. Let
be a fixed population
a probability distribution over
be a fixed cost function
be the target classifier
A statistical classification game is then defined as follows:
can request labeled examples of the formwith
, and publishes a classifier
. The following information is available to the
:- the cost function
- the cost function
produces a function. The following information is available to the
:- cost function
's classifier
- cost function
The payoffs are:
Strategy-robust learning
Let be an algorithm producing a classifier
If for
- all distributions
- for all classifiers
- for all
denoting the space of cost functions)
- for all
given a description of and access to labeled examples of the form
produces a classifier
so that
\mathbb{P}_{x \sim \mathcal{D}} \big[ h(x) = f \big( \Delta(x) \big) \big] \ge \mathrm{OPT}_h(\mathcal{D}, c) - \varepsilon \quad \text{wp.} \quad 1 - \delta

Then we say that is a strategy-robust learning algorithm for
One might expect, as with PAC-learning, that a strategy-robust learning algorithm might be restrict to be in some concept class
, however this will turn out not to be the case!
Separable cost functions
A cost function is called separable if it can be written as

for functions satisfying
- The condition
means that there is always a 0-cost option, i.e.
can opt not to game and thus pay nothing- Since this means that
- Since this means that
For a class of functions
, the Rademacher complexity of
with sample size
is defined as
R_m(\mathcal{F}) := \mathbb{E}_{x_1, \dots, x_m \sim \mathcal{D}} \mathbb{E}_{\sigma_1, \dots, \sigma_m} \Bigg[ \sup_{f \in \mathcal{F}} \bigg( \frac{1}{m} \sum_{i=1}^{m} \sigma_i f(x_i) \bigg) \Bigg]
where are i.i.d. Rademacher random variables, i.e.
Rademacher random variables can be considered as a "random classifier", and thus kind of describes how well we can correlate the classifiers in
with a random classifier.
is the set of
is the best response of
: Let
- Suppose
, then
and we're done.
, but that
The question is then whether or not the argmax is outside or inside the 2-ball. If
, we immediately have
aims to maximize the above and returning
is strictly a better option. Hence we must have
, which is guaranteed to exists since we can just let
Therefore, if then
, i.e.
: Let
. Suppose, for the sake of contradiction, that
. Then
, because if such a
existed we would have
, contradicting the assumption that
. Since, by assumption,
for all
, we must therefore have that
, i.e.
Note that


And to see that we can equivalently consider the classifier , we can rewrite the
's payoff as

is basically all
such that
, i.e. all the mistakes
- Complement of the above is the all the correct classifications
Noting that if we did the same for , the only necessary change would be

Note that
\Gamma(f) = \Gamma(f') = \Gamma(c_2[s]) = \left\{ x: c_1(x) > s - 2 \right\} = \big\{ x: c_1[s - 2](x) = 1 \big\}

- Exogenous variables refer to variables whose value is determined outside the model and is imposed on the model
- Endogenous variables refer to variables whose value is determined by or inside the model.
exogenous variables
endogenous variables
In a structural causal model (SCM), a set of structural equations determine the values of the endogenous variables:
represents the other endogenous variables that determine
, and
represents exogenous noise due to unmodeled factors
- An intervention is a modification to the structural equations of an SCM, e.g. an intervention may consist of replacing the structural equation
with a new structural equation
that holds
at a fixed value
denotes the variable
in the modified SCM with structural equation
, where
are two endogenous nodes of the SCM
denotes the deterministic value of the endogenous variable when the exogenous variables
are equal to
- Given some event
, we denote
the rv.
in the modified SCM with structural equations
where the distribution of the exogenous variables
is updated by conditioning on the event
; this is what's referred to as a counterfactual
Institution's utility (Stackelberg regret):
denotes the loss function for the classifier
denotes the sequence of agents
denotes the sequence of classifier-parameters
Individual's utility:
- Each roundt
- Institution commits to linear classifier parameterized by
- An adversary, oblivious to the institution's choices up to round
, selects an agent
- Agent
sends the data point
to the learner:
, then the agent is strategic and sends the best response
, then the agent is non-strategic and sends the true features to the institution
In conclusion, the revealed feature
is defined
- Institution observes
and experiences classification loss
- Institution commits to linear classifier parameterized by
has bounded norm
is convex, contains the
and has norm bounded by
, i.e.
for all
Conditions for problem to be convex:
- Approach:
- Show that both choices of logistic and hinge loss for
are convex if
is convex.
- Show this under the case where
for some
satisfying some reasonable assumptions:
is positive homogenouos of degree
, i.e.
for any
- Show this under the case where
- Show that both choices of logistic and hinge loss for
denotes the "manipulated" feature using the original feature
. Assume manipulations occur only if "bad" label, i.e.
represents the costs of the agent to change his features from
denotes the loss of the learner
A strategic agent
), when facing a classifier
, will misreport his feature vector
by solving the maximization problem
where the utility of the agent
is defined
denotes the subgradients of
Stackelberg regret: for a history involving
and the sequence of
, the Stackelberg regret is defined to be
denotes the the optimal classifier (taking into account that the agents would behave differently)
In each strategic round, since
is a function of
, we do not have direct access to the subgradients of
and only see 0-th order information
. In this case we estimate the subgradient by minimizing a "smoothed" version of the classification loss: for any
and parameter
, the δ-smoothed version of
is defined as flaxman04_onlin_convex_optim_bandit_settin
is a random vector drawn from the uniform distribution over
Convex conjugate of a function
, denoted
is defined
and is always convex
Main take-away
- Problem:
- Considers decisions through time (in contrast to hardt15_strat_class)
- Cost function
is unknown to the learner
- Restricts the learner to linear classifiers
Agent's utility is then defined
- Similar to others:
- hardt15_strat_class: uses
instead of
and restricts the form of
to be a separable
- haghtalab2020maximizing: uses mechanism
instead of
- Though also restricts the mechanism to be, say, linear, in which case it becomes equivalent to the above
- hardt15_strat_class: uses
- Similar to others:
- Under sufficient conditions on the cost functions
and agent cost
Strategic agent's best response set is
- Satisfied by examples:
Hinge loss:
Logistic loss:
- Focuses on obtaining conditions for when the cost function
for the learner is convex
- Allows guarantees for neat cases, e.g. combination of strategic and non-strategic agents ("mixture feedback") by using convexity results from flaxman04_onlin_convex_optim_bandit_settin
- Drawbacks:
- No high-probability guarantees, but instead we just get bounds on the expectation of the Stackelberg regret
Conditions for a Convex Learning Problem
- This section describes the general conditions under which the learner's problem in our setting can be cast as a convex minimization problem
- Even if original loss function is convex wrt.
fixed), it may fail to be convex wrt.
chosen strategically as a function of
- Even if original loss function is convex wrt.
4. Regret Minimization
4.1 Convex Optimization with Mixture Feedback
be the non-strategic rounds
be the strategic rounds
Then for any
\mathbb{E} \Bigg[ \sum_{t=1}^{n} c_t \big( \beta_t^{ + } \big) - c_t(\beta) \Bigg] \le \mathbb{E} \Bigg[ \sum_{t \in T_{ - 1}}^{} \overline{c}_t(\beta) - \overline{c}_t(\beta) \Bigg] + \mathbb{E} \Bigg[ \sum_{t \in T_1}^{} c_t(\beta_t) - c_t(\beta) \Bigg] + 3 n L \delta
where the expectation is wrt. the randomness of the algorithm.

which implies

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